Incline Club MosaicIncline Club MosaicIncline Club MosaicIncline Club MosaicIncline Club Mosaic

Enter your 8 moves

For each move you either pass over a square or click on a square
Pass over Row B, Column 1, enter — B1 P
Click on Row A, Column 1, enter — A1 C

Enter N/A for moves you think are not needed if you finished in less than 8

Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:
Move 5:
Move 6:
Move 7:
Move 8:
Move 9: Too many, try again!

          RED: Required Field
    Your Name: 
  Your E-mail: 
Retype E-mail: 

   Cool Quote: For the high score board

   Comment(s): Did you like the game? Did it work OK?
Liability Waiver:
I understand that typing and using a mouse have been found to cause carpal tunnel syndrome. By clicking on the submit button I agree now and forever to hold Matt Carpenter harmless and indemnify him for all claims, damages, judgments and costs and that I am in good physical condition and physically and mentally capable of using a mouse and a keyboard.

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